What The Mouse Plague Means For Your Vehicle

Posted: 30/03/2021
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Several months into the Great Mouse Plague of 2021, our technicians are seeing an increasingly common problem with vehicles coming into the workshop: (spoiler alert!) mice.


At first glance these tiny little animals might seem cute and cuddly, but mice can bring significant damage to your vehicle.  Mice, like all rodents, have continuously growing teeth and need to continually nibble in order to keep their teeth short and sharp.  They particularly enjoy chewing through the electrical wires and hoses inside a vehicle, which can lead to costly repairs.  


Service Advisor Ben James and Parts Manager Kiel McFarlane suggest paying particular attention to your vehicle during this plague, and if you suspect that damage has been done, book your vehicle in as soon as possible.  "See mouse droppings or think you smell mice?" asks Ben, "Buy mouse traps and set them.  You need to get rid of those mice as soon as possible."


"There are two places we are finding a lot of mice," explains Kiel. "They love chewing on air con filters because it makes great nesting material, and they enjoy sleeping in your engine bay because it is nice and warm.  We are expecting to see a lot more of that as the weather cools."


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